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Growing Up Roadschooled eBook

Growing Up Roadschooled eBook


Hit the open road with Kelsey Henry as she shares her RV life adventures of Growing Up Roadschooled from ages 11-17, and beyond! Hear a kid's perspective of the full-time RV travel lifestyle, getting into college, and starting a career in the "real world." This story is part travel memoir, schooling manifesto, songbook, personal growth journey, and embarrassing moments! It's full of bold displays of affection, RV mishaps, and lots of stories about bugs.


Under the pressure of expectations to turn out "normal", Kelsey becomes highly motivated to prove herself as she navigates adulthood and struggles with the contrast of conforming to a stationary life and honoring her inner roadschooled kid. With humor, positivity, and many lessons learned, she captures her memories through music lyrics and discovers who she wants to be.


*This is a digital product. After purchasing, you will receive a zip file with a epub and PDF file.

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